
Bibliografia (189)

-- Bergson, I., The death of the torpedo action? The practical operation of the Recast's reforms to enhance the protection for exclusive jurisdiction agreements within the European Union, JPIL 11 (2015), 1 

-- Beaumont, P./Walker, L., Recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters in the Brussels I Recast and some lessons from it and the recent Hague Conventions for the Hague Judgments Project, JPIL 11 (2015), 31 

-- Weller, M., Mutual trust: in search of the future of European Union private international law, JPIL 11 (2015), 62 

-- Wilke, F. M., The impact of the Brussels I Recast on important “Brussels” case law, JPIL 11 (2015), 128 

-- Aňoveros Terradas, B., Consumer Collective Redress under the Brussels I Regulation Recast in the Light of the Commission's Common Principles, JPIL 11 (2015), 143