
Paper (144)

-- Hartnell, H. E., Civil Justice as Governador in the European Union: Reflections on Civil Procedure, Private International Law (Conflict of Laws) and the Administration of Justice since the Roman Empire (12.2015)

Nota: o paper fornece uma interessante bibliografia sobre o tema nele tratado; das obras em open access salientam-se as seguintes:
-- Gottwald, P., Comparative Civil Procedure,  Ritsumeikan Law Review 22 (2005), 23

-- Hartnell, H. E., EUstitia: Institutionalizing Justice in the European Union, Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 23 (2002), 65

-- Metzger, E., An Outline of Roman Civil Procedure (01.2013)

-- van Rhee, C. H., Harmonisation of Civil Procedure: An Historical and Comparative Perspective (07.2011)

Pode ainda acrescentar-se:

-- Vernadaki, Z., Civil Procedure Harmonization in the EU: Unravelling the Policy Considerations, Journal of Contemporary European Research 9 (2) (2013), 297