
Paper (245)

-- Anthimos Sr., A., Greek Payment Orders Against Foreign Residents - Amendments to Articles 623 Et Seq. Greek Code of Civil Procedure (01.2016)

Abstract: "Since January 1, 2016, law No. 4335/2015 entered into force, resulting in radical changes in Greek civil litigation. Part of the reforms deals with amendments to the chapter on payment orders. Previously it was forbidden to issue a Greek order for payment, if the debtor was residing abroad. Pursuant to the new provisions, this is no longer the case. The importance of the matter for foreign debtors is related to the peculiar nature of the Greek model: Unlike the majority of EU Member States’ legislation, the Greek order for payment is, once issued, automatically an enforceable title. The new provisions feature therefore a dual system, depending on the residence of the debtor: With respect to debtors living in Greece, the order for payment remains immediately enforceable; however, additional requirements have been posed, when the order for payment has to be served abroad, in order to safeguard the rights of the defendants."